Pet Photography : 18/Project52

Pet Photography

This week I tried my hand at Pet Photography with a new puppy, Pippa, a willing and participant miniature yorkie was a great subject and reacted very well whenever the motor in the auto-focus was whirring. The light was fairly low and as soon as the AF was triggered puppy’s head would pop up and look into or towards the camera. The result below was one of many great shots, so I couldn’t resist putting up this picture as this weeks Project52 shot of the week … even if it was last weeks shot (since it was taken on Sunday).

Puppy, Pet Photography, Pet, Photography, Pets, Photographing Pets

I had my 50mm Canon prime lens (not the L series version … I wish!) but I had no flashgun, so I had to rely on ambient light, ISO around 400 and multiple triggered shots so in the 1 second I could perhaps get 1 good shot. The result wasn’t bad but by playing around with Aperture3 (which I downloaded only yesterday) I was able to enhance the shot even further.

Hopefully next week I can try some of the more adventurous shots I’ve been planning.

I find I’m certainly not getting out as much with the camera and I’m sure this is as a direct result of the S**t weather we are having recently. Hopefully thing swill improve as I have shots I want to try but the meteo is not cooperating.