Tall Ship Stavros S Niarchos passing Hook Head

This post and this photo could not have happened without the power of Twitter. Sunday evening I was browsing the Twitter feed on my @shanesphoto feed and I noticed a few tweets about the Stavros S Niarchos ship which was berthed in Waterford over the weekend. One of these mentioned that the Tall Ship Stavros S Niarchos would be passing through Dunmore East around 9pm. That was enough, camera bag into the car and off to Dunmore East.

Photographing the Stavros S Niarchos

Patiently awaiting the view of the Stavros S Niarchos eventually it was spotted coming towards the open ocean. The wind was really picking up and it gave an awesome sight as it approached.

Stavros S Niarchos Approaching at Hook Head Wexford

Stavros S Niarchos at Hook Head and Dunmore East Waterford - Tall Ships

The Stavros S Niarchos passed Hook Head around 8:35pm at which time I hurried back to the car, cold but very happy having seen this ship and knowing the SDcard had a few good shots on it!

Some Tips for a shoot like this

When you are preparing for a photo shoot such as this there are a few things which can help;

  1. Ensure the camera is fully charged before you set out and that you have space on your memory card.
  2. Ensure the lens is clean
  3. Get there early. Imagine if I got there and the Stavros S Niarchos was after passing hook head already!
  4. Because you arrive early, you have a chance to do some test shots, Check the lighting, setup the tripod, do so compatible tests at different apertures.
  5. Look at the scene to see if there are any items of interest in the foreground or background which could be used. In my case, Hook Head was ideas.


Photo Location: Dunmore East, Co. Waterford

Dunmore East, Co. Waterford

Dunmore East, Co. Waterford