The view from Mount Maunganaui

In the previous post, with the cloud shaped like a fish, I mentioned Mount Maunganaui. In this post I show you what it looked like from the top of this mountain. It is only just over 760ft high but it looks impressive.

View from top of Mount Maunganaiu

The view from the top shows the spectacular coastline and the town of Mount Maunganaui


View from top of Mount Maunganaiu

Looking almost straight down towards the rough seas, next stop West is probably Fiji.

The walk up to the top of Mount Maunganui is not for the faint hearted, even in July, which is New Zealand’s winter. At this time of year the temperature was around 21C and you would certainly need some water before making the walk up. We were expecting a cloudy windy assent but it was warm and one bottle of water barely lasted the way up.

Anyway – the views from Mount Maunganui were worth it! If you are in this area it is a must do and must see location.

Photo Location:

Mount Maunganui, New Zealand

Mount Maunganui, New Zealand