by shanemcd | Feb 14, 2016 | Landscape Photography
Tags: Blue, Golden, Kerry, Landscape, Landscape Photography, Parknasilla, Photography, Photos, Sneem, Walking, Walks
by shanemcd | Jan 6, 2016 | Shane McDonald
Tags: 2015, Arcadia, Avon, Clare, Cliffs of Moher, Glastonbury, Ireland, Irish Balloon Championships, Photo Review, Photography, Photos, Punting, Review, Review of 2015, Stage, UK
by shanemcd | Jul 1, 2014 | General Posts
I always like unusual lighting conditions and on a recent woodland walk I noticed a tree which was being lit in spots thanks to the overhead canopy and surrounding trees filtering the light. This resulted in only a section of the tree being lit and thus created an effect which I very much liked. The […]
Tags: Evening, Light, Lighting, Photography, Tree, Woodland, Woodland Evening Light
by shanemcd | Jan 1, 2013 | Shane McDonald
Tags: 2012, 2013, 500px, and waterford red iron bridge, aperture blur background, Ardmore Pattern Festival, Best Photographs of 2012, Blog, Blur Background, Calendars, Facebook, Flickr, Floating Crane, Happy New Year, How to Blur Background, Landscape, Landscape Photography Blog, Morris Oil, Most Popular, photoblog, Photoblog Stats, Photography, Photography Year in Review, Project 52, Project52, Social Media, Toronto Canada, Twitter, Waterford City, Website Traffic, WordPress, Year in Review
by shanemcd | May 9, 2012 | Project52 |
Pet Photography This week I tried my hand at Pet Photography with a new puppy, Pippa, a willing and participant miniature yorkie was a great subject and reacted very well whenever the motor in the auto-focus was whirring. The light was fairly low and as soon as the AF was triggered puppy’s head would pop […]
Tags: Canon 50mm, Canon 50mm Lens, How to Photograph Pets, ISO400, No Flash, Pet, Pet Photography, Pets, Photographing a Pet, Photographing a Puppy, Photographing Pets, Photography, Pup, Puppies, Puppy, Puppy Photo, Puppy Photography, Taking Great Pet Photos, Teacup, Teacup Yorkie, Teacup Yorkie Photo, Yorkie