Photo Review of 2015
by shanemcd | Jan 6, 2016 | Shane McDonald
Tags: 2015, Arcadia, Avon, Clare, Cliffs of Moher, Glastonbury, Ireland, Irish Balloon Championships, Photo Review, Photography, Photos, Punting, Review, Review of 2015, Stage, UK
WordPress via the Jetpack plugin publish reports on your blogs which are very interesting. If you have a WordPress blog and you have not yet installed Jetpack then you really should as there are some great features including the ‘Publicize’ feature where you can auto-update your Facebook, Twitter and Google+ accounts with your posts. My […]
My 2011 Photography Year in Review With 2011 drawing to a close I have being trying to set aside some time to review some shots which I have being meaning to edit & improve in post-production etc. That plan didn’t work out but I’m going to try and take some time in Jan 2012 to […]